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The following English to Spanish word list will help you learn how to say names of sports in Spanish It's pretty easy to remember names of sports in Spanish This is due to the fact that many sports are not of Spanish origin So they tend to maintain the original name in English List of sports in Spanish Sport – el deporte;Sure you could name off each piece of equipment by how popular the sport is, but you also have to consider other factors For instance, a tennis ball is primarily used for the racquet sport, but in some countries it replaces a baseball and even a hockey puck So grab onto your hats and get your comments ready, as the following list highlights the top 10 balls in sports Honourable MentionLooking for the names of common sports balls in English?
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Triathlon Usually a combination of swimming, cycling and running; Hobby, Sports, and Games The specific translations for the terms hobby, sports, and games are as follows Hobby > le passetemps favoris Sports > des sports Games > jeux Expand your French vocabulary related to these terms by perusing the tables below In the tables, the word is presented first in English in the left column to make itSports play an important part in the life in Britain and is a popular leisure activity The game is scored according to the number of runs, which is the number of times the batters exchange places Football (Soccer) Football is undoubtedly the most popular sport in England, and has been played for hundreds of years In the English Football League there are 92 professional clubs These are

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Hockey, volleyball, football and tennis are all sports They match the young baseball players against the visiting team The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport Activities available include squash, archery and swimming to name but a fewThe following is a list of water sports, divided by category This list is not complete Some of the sports include only one part related to swimming, as for example Triathlon In the water Swimming;PARALYMPIC SPORTS There are currently 28 Paralympic sports sanctioned by the IPC 22 summer and six winter The two newest sports to be given Paralympic status are badminton and taekwondo, which will both make their debut at the Tokyo Games The newest winter sport is snowboard, which was first introduced at the Sochi 14 Paralympic

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